82nd Entry Reunion 2023
Caley Hall Hotel
Old Hunstanton Road
Old Hunstanton
PE36 6HH
01485 533486
Tuesday May 17 th dawned with blue skies and brilliant sunshine at Caley Hall Hotel, Old Hunstanton, Norfolk, to welcome members of the 82 nd Entry RAF Halton, and their ladies, for our 35th reunion gathering. I guess it just goes to show that “The sun shines on the righteous”! Including our, as ever, gracious ladies, we totalled 23 this time around, very much the same numbers as in 2022 which, in itself, is encouraging, considering we are all in our mid 80’s. A lunch time and afternoon gathering in the lounge bar soon matured along with much animated conversation. Many opening comments were along the lines”Do you remember the time when ‘so and so” or “What was that fellows name who”? Lot’s of the stories have been repeated in the past, no doubt, but that is what reunions are all about really. On Tuesday evening we gathered again, in an exclusive area of the restaurant, set aside for our use while in residence, for an excellent multi-choice buffet supper followed by a choice of desserts. The cuisine was excellent and several of our number managed two helpings such as to ensure that nothing was wasted! Wednesday morning witnessed most of us at a leisurely breakfast together, early risers having been discouraged, before all dispersed in different directions to various nearby locations, such as Sandringham House/gardens, RSPB centres, museums or the many beautiful open and sandy North Norfolk beaches. Inevitably, by mid-afternoon, people had again gathered in the lounge bar, followed, at 5pm, by our AGM. The major and unanimous decision at this meeting being that, we wish to return to Caley Hall, next year, for a fourth successive visit. If nothing else, we can be considered to be habitual! As ever, the evening formal three course dinner was a delight, excellent and well presented cuisine reinforcing the two rosette restaurant status. As one might expect, wine, beer and much conversation flowed! The array of raffle prizes was quite amazing and £140 was raised to association funds. So, to the lounge bar once again to further reminisce. Then, to bed and the end of a memorable day with old colleagues and friends. Just really great to get together on such an occasion and enjoy good company and stories. Most of our members said their farewells on Thursday morning and departed for pastures new. However, some stayed on at the hotel until the following weekend. The appointed date for Reunion 2024 is 14/15 May. Full details will be published on our website and I will be in contact with all our members once terms are agreed with the hotel. See you there! Maurice & Christine Conybear Mick & Betty Stracey Mike Pond Bill & Joyce Boyd Al Doughty Mick Simmons Nigel & Margaret Bacon Chas & Maureen Dewar Ernie King John Donovan Martin Harvey & Maggie Julia Kirby Richard & Linda White George Wade Click on the names to see photos.
2023 Reunion of the 82nd Entry and Ladies prior to the Gala Dinner.